Infestations continue to expand on the southeast coast of Florida, and have recently been detected on the southwest coast, including the Fort Myers and Naples areas. This destructive pest (Singhiella simplex) has already defoliated thousands of ficus hedges in Florida and ruined the appearance and privacy of countless residential and commercial landscapes. It is very important to take proper precautions from the white fly. By detecting White Fly activity early you can save your hedges and save your self the headache of having to replace all of your hedges.
If White Fly attacks your properties hedges, you could lose all of your Ficus Hedges in just 1 week with a White Fly Infestation.
Call us today if you have more questions about the pesky little White Fly or if you would like to begin protecting your property now. Don't wait until it's too late. Inspect all irrigation zones under pressure every month to locate problems, cut grass around irrigation sprinklers, adjust and reset heads for proper coverage, and adjust timers to seasonal irrigation requirements. Any dry areas are prioritized. To minimize damage contact us.
We Respond Immediately
O'Hara Landscape & Maintenance Inc. we respond to problems reported by HOA Associations as soon as possible. Severe problems are prioritized and dealt with immediately.
Professional White Fly Infestation Relief
Professional White Fly Infestation Services. Maybe your community, business, or home needs our White Fly Infestation Services. Let our white fly professionals handle your whitefly removal needs.
Contact Us Today! or Call White Fly Protection and White Fly Services