Lawn Care Mistakes You're Probably Making

As homeowners, it's important to keep your lawn in top shape, especially when the grass and weeds begin to overgrow. While Florida lawn maintenance services can easily do the job, some homeowners prefer doing it themselves. However, doing lawn care and maintenance themselves can sometimes do more harm than good to their lawn.

To ensure that you maintain a lovely, healthy lawn this year, we've listed a few common lawn care errors homeowners often make to help you avoid them in the future.  Here are some common lawn care mistakes that you should avoid.

Florida lawn maintenance truck

Common Lawn Care Mistakes  

Mowing Too Low  

Cutting your grass with the lowest mower blade may seem like a good idea, but it can cause more harm than good. Most lawns are typically between 2.5 and 3.75 inches tall. By cutting your lawn with a mowing height of one inch or less, you can prevent it from properly absorbing sunlight.

The ability of the grass to absorb sunlight better as it grows taller will aid in its ability to form deep roots. Because grass enjoys the sun, set your lawnmower's blade height too high to prevent over-mowing. Additionally, grass with deep roots can withstand droughts better and absorbs more water, which reduces your need to water your lawn as often. 

Over Fertilization 

A lot of fertilizer won't help if your grass is already brown. Your money will be wasted, and extra fertilizer will pollute nearby ponds and streams as it is washed away in the rain. Just use the recommended amount and adhere to the instructions on the bag.

Remember that using more fertilizer than recommended will waste your money and harm your plants. Avoid using granular or powdered fertilizer before it rains because it will leach into the water. For every 1,000 square feet of lawn, three-fourths of a cubic yard of compost should be used. 

Dry Lawn 

The majority of grasses need one to five inches of water per week. The ideal soaking time for lawns is long and seeps into the roots (about 6 inches deep). Most irrigation systems require about 30 minutes to complete this process, so run your sprinkler system long enough for the water to permeate deeply into the ground.

Use a smart sprinkler controller to take control of your watering schedules. With the help of the gadget, you can automate your in-ground sprinkler system and provide a well-watered lawn with schedules and intuitive weather intelligence features.

florida lawn maintenance expert

Do You Need a Dedicated Florida Lawn Maintenance Crew?

At O'Hara Landscape, we can provide excellent lawn care for the right price. Get in touch with our team to get started on your lawn care and maintenance!


O'Hara Landscape & Maintenance Inc.

Since 1973, O'Hara Landscape and Maintenance Inc. has been providing reliable landscape beautification to thousands of residents in community associations and commercial properties in West Palm Beach and Palm Beach County Florida.

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  • Rick Walker

    The landscape guys came, walked me through what was exactly wrong and explained to me what needed to be done. They were informative and patient with me. I will continue to use this company and look forward to building my dream landscape with them!

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